
winter keiko group photo.jpeg

shoulder to shoulder

SMK is a community that advocates the practice of karate (regardless of style) as not simply a sport or fighting science but as an all-encompassing way of "being" that has a unique and viable application in the life enrichment of each individual.  As a collective, we would like to bring this quality back as a central theme to the karate endeavor. Unlike a traditional organization, we do not issue rank or accreditation but rather offer resources via various forms of media (in the members section of this site), seasonal training events, and online training opportunities, all with the emphasis on providing the individual with materials to construct and augment their karate practice.  In the end it is our ambition to create a constructive environment that helps celebrate each karateka on the journey to find their own unique expression as a martial artist.  It is our thought that the world at large should operate with this cultural paradigm as we honor and support the development of our fellow man/woman regardless of rank or position and respect the lives of all creatures large and small.


"a one inch worm, has a one inch soul"

                                                                        - Funakoshi Gichin

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